There is a long-established, conceptually simple, cogent cognitive psych model of dysfunctional interpersonal behavior known as "Script Theory." It emanated decades ago from Eric Berne's work on "Transactional Analysis." Within this model is the Rescuer-Victim-Persecutor concept:
- I, the benevolent intervenor, arrogate to myself the right to and imperative of "rescuing" you, the "Victim" from your plight(s);
- You, the "Victim," irritated by (or just apathetic toward) my putatively altruistic and unsolicited ministrations, react with insufficient gratitude and attitude/behavior change;
- which then give me the right to demonize and persecute you.
The supportive psych literature is rather voluminous.
I pretty much buy it. Occam's Razor simplicity and all that. Think about the drama you repeatedly witness (or participate in) within your family and social circles.
Shorter Claude Steiner: to the extent that you live a "scripted" life, you are not free.
Of late I can't help but observe that our society in the aggregate is now in the "Persecutor" phase of socioeconomic dynamics, in the wake of our recent disappointments. Ironic, given all this hyperbolic talk about "freedom" of late.
It's probably cyclical. We tend to oscillate between maxima and minima of concerns over "social justice."
Unless you've been off incommunicado in a cave of late, you've seen it.
- Presidential Candidate Ron Paul gets loud, angry cheers during a GOP primary "debate" wherein he summarily shrugs off the moral implications of allowing the destitute to die at the ER curbside (and, he's a physician, no less).
- The fatuous writings of the late Ayn Rand (raging against "Moochers" and "Looters") have risen to new popularity.
- A nationally known AM radio host loudly demeans a woman as a "slut" and a "prostitute"because of her advocacy for contraceptive rights.
- The long-term jobless are described as "lazy." It is argued, among other things, that they be subjected to drug testing as a condition of eligibility for unemployment compensation. Ron Paul's senator son Rand claims in late 2013 that extended employment insurance is a "disservice" to the jobless.
But, you get the idea. The "failures of liberalism" give us convenient license to blame the the unfortunate, poor, and inept.
The adversity POV:
Ich, Du, Sie
- I innocently suffered a misfortune.
- You should have done more to avoid calamity.
- He is is a parasite, a Moocher.
More to come...